Friday, December 26, 2008

A Christmas Tradition

If you are looking for a new Christmas tradition to celebrate with your family, then I've got the thing for you. It's a Santa Clause pinata. Can you believe they make this? It is great. This is a wonderful way to give the children confused feelings about Santa. You get the pinata and pummel it in front of kids. They will enjoy the candy that comes out, but they will be horrified that Santa is being pummeled. They will associate beating up Santa, the symbol of generosity at Christmas, with getting yummy candy. Their mixed feelings will haunt them for years. It will probably make them go to therapy, too.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Well Then Try This Face

So you guys seen this whole face transplant stuff? Crazy.

Face Transplant Story

According to the article, this is the "first near-total face transplant in the United States."

They are mistaken, however. This was not the first face transplant. Those who watched Knight Rider should know that Michael Knight received a face transplant. That was in the 80's. Then in the 90's, I recall a couple of guys actually switched faces. One was a cop going undercover with a bad guy's face, so the bad guy stole the cop's face. It was crazy.

Either way, these people really need to check their facts before they write stuff.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Where Does One Get an "I Blogged" Sticker?

When I voted in November, I got a sticker with the words "I Voted" on it. It also had a nice little American flag. It'd be kind of cool if we got stickers for a lot of other stuff we do. Like maybe restaurants could hand out "I Ate" stickers, and bathrooms could have "I Pooped" sticker dispensers. You could take pride in your "I Passed a Kidney Stone" or "I Stopped Bleeding" sticker you received from the hospital. If you are brutally honest, you could wear things like the "I Was Divorced" sticker you received from your ex-spouse's lawyer, or the "I Cried Myself To Sleep" sticker your roommate gave you after that night you thought he was asleep. Hey, it's you, be proud of who you are!

First of all, this is good because stickers are awesome, and second of all, we will all know a lot more about each without having to ask as many questions. I hate it when people I just met ask me too many questions. Just read the sticker!

Friday, December 05, 2008

About Me - Thighs

I give myself deep thigh massages with bottles of oil from Bath and Body Works that costs me 32 bucks a pop.